Multilingual & Multicultural Learners

In response to the diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds of students in the Pacific region, the resources included in this collection offer ways to expand and improve multilingual programs and promote inclusive schools and classrooms. Research, tips, and lessons learned focus on bilingual education programs, English language learners, and culturally responsive practices.

Bilingual Education: Lessons from Washington State
Publication Date: April 2021
Resource Type: Research Brief
Bilingual Education Across the United States
Publication Date: April 2021
Resource Type: Research Brief
English Learner Toolkit for State and Local Education Agencies (SEAs and LEAs)
Publication Date: November 2016
Resource Type: Toolkit
Learning English: Diverse Students in American Classrooms
Publication Date: September 2017
Resource Type: Video
Teaching Diverse Learners Using Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Publication Date: June 2019
Resource Type: Fact Sheet
Implementing Biliteracy Seals to Strengthen Bilingual Education and Support Cultural Awareness
Publication Date: May 2021
Resource Type: Webinar Series
How Leaders Can Support Implementation of English Language Development
Publication Date: October 2019
Resource Type: Presentation
Culturally Sustaining Teaching Practices for Multilingual Students
Publication Date: n.d.
Resource Type: Infographic
Translanguaging to Support Students’ Bilingual and Multilingual Development
Publication Date: n.d.
Resource Type: Infographic
Webinar Series on the CDE Integrated and Designated English Language Development Video Series
Publication Date: 2021
Resource Type: Webinar Series
Improving Education for Multilingual and English Learner Students: Research to Practice (Webinar Series)
Publication Date: 2021
Resource Type: Webinar Series
Effectiveness in Context: Tips for Identifying Evidence-Based Practices for Diverse Student Populations
Publication Date: n.d.
Resource Type: Tool
Teaching Academic Content and Literacy to English Learners in Elementary and Middle School
Publication Date: April 2014
Resource Type: Practice Guide
REL Pacific Ask A REL Response: English Learners
Publication Date: April 2015
Resource Type: Research Brief
Building Connections with Students from Diverse Cultural Backgrounds Through Perspective-taking
Publication Date: May 2018
Resource Type: Research Brief
Culture and Language
Publication Date: 2020
Resource Type: Research Brief
Native Culture and Language: Culture
Publication Date: 2020
Resource Type: Research Brief
The First Migratory Learners: Identifying and Supporting American Indian and Alaska Native Migratory Students
Publication Date: April 2021
Resource Type: Infographic
Using Data-driven Decision Making to Support English Learner Students
Publication Date: August 2021 Resource Type: Research Brief
Supporting Multilingual Learners (Mlls)/english Language Learners (Ells) During The Covid-19 Shutdown
Publication Date: TNTP (2020)
Resource Type: Tools/Toolkit
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