R19CC serves American Samoa, Hawai‘i, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The Center provides high-quality intensive capacity-building services to State clients and recipients to identify, implement, and sustain effective evidence-based practices that support improved educator and student outcomes.
R19CC employs innovative strategies to provide responsive and effective technical assistance that builds SEA capacity to:
– Implement approved ESEA consolidated state plans – Implement ARP ESSER State Plans – Implement and scale evidence-based programs, practices, and interventions – Address corrective actions from audit findings and monitoring – Identify trends, best practices, and cost-effective strategies
Strategy 1 – Ensure Commitment of Chief State School Officers & Regional Stakeholders
Strategy 2 – Deliver Relevant Research & Capacity Building Expertise
We at the Region 19 Comprehensive Center (R19CC) envision a future where the opportunity gap is eliminated – a future where every child of the Pacific achieves success from birth through their careers. Across our projects, the R19CC team works to strengthen career pathways, curriculum and instruction, distance education, and English learner and migrant education. We are excited for the work ahead.
–Melly Wilson, Director Region 19 Comprehensive Center
Changing Charter School Futures with Strategic Performance Management in Hawai‘i
Strategic planning is widely seen as a very effective way to help organizations perform at their best. In education, a good strategic plan can lead to major improvements in schools and, in turn, better educated students. In 2019, the Hawai‘i State Public Charter Schools Commission (SPCSC) asked R19CC to help them review and revise their current strategic plan through the Strategic Performance Management (SPM) process. Their goal was to strengthen high-quality diverse educational opportunities for students enrolled in public charter schools in line with their mission to “authorize high-quality public charter schools throughout Hawai‘i”. Five years into this process, the SPCSC is making big strides on multiple fronts, from increased communication and engagement across the agency, to ongoing planning, monitoring of their own work, and using progress data to more strongly integrate their goals to build a portfolio of high-quality, innovative charter schools.
Developing a Teacher and Principal Evaluation System for Improved Student Learning
The Republic of the Marshall Islands Ministry of Education (RMI MOE), in partnership with R19CC, has charted a course to design and train school staff on a new teacher and principal evaluation system. To date, the RMI MOE has made significant progress in rolling out the new evaluation system to over 30 schools and building a practical, culturally responsive resource infrastructure to support its adoption and sustainability. Going forward, R19CC will assist the RMI MOE as they assume sole responsibility for professional development and help principals and teachers to refine their use of the system.
Creating a Foundation for Multilingual Education in Hawai‘i Public Schools
The Hawai‘i Department of Education’s (HIDOE) World Languages Program, with the capacity building assistance of R19CC, is leading the charge on a multifaceted multilingualism initiative to improve language learning, promote biliteracy, and ultimately contribute to improved outcomes for all students. To date, the World Languages Program has supported the implementation of the HIDOE’s revised multilingualism policy by aligning its new language standards to national ones, developing a resource guide and professional development plan, hosting a summit to introduce statewide educators to the new multilingualism framework, and building a coalition with other state programs to generate support for the initiative. R19CC will continue to serve as capacity builder and thought partner to the HIDOE as they move forward with training educators on multilingual education practices.